Friday, March 25, 2011


Last night Faipule and I visited the Tuesday night prayer CGM. This happens to be our second visit to this group, though for our first visit - I had not set up a blog account I will happily share the experiences we had on these occaisions.

Tuesday Night Prayer is held in the home of it's leaders, and thus is a warm and comfortable environment. As with any group setting focused on pressing in to the Lord's presence, and allowing the Holy Spirit to can never know for sure what each evening will bring.

Our first experience with this gathering was one of wonderful prayer time that ended up in a time of flowing in the Spirit. The adult group gathers in the downstairs portion of the house, while the youth and young adult group gathers in the upstairs portion of the house. What a joy to have so much prayer and seeking of the Lord happening under the same roof of a home!

It happened that on the first night we attended - near the end of our prayer time, the youth and young adults came downstairs. They felt lead to come down and pray for us. What a joy...and what a time was had! God used these young people to speak over us, and into our lives very powerfully. It was wonderful to see and experience what God was doing.

There was a dear lady in attendance that night who was having some pain issues...and God spoke directly to those issues during the prayer time and confirmed it by speaking something very similar by one of the young adults (that was not originally in the room) about 15 - 20 minutes later! God is sooo good! We are all excited, and wait expectantly to see God do what He has promised for this dear sister in the Lord.

This week we enjoyed some time of fellowship and getting to know one-another. We then enjoyed a time of worship, and was beautiful!

We are so blessed to have the honor and joy of belonging to our Lord! He is so good, so faithful, so true. Truly we cannot begin to fully grasp how wide, how high, how deep or how great is the Father's love for us! I am so thankful to know that He hears us when we pray, and that He answers.

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