Saturday, March 26, 2011


This morning I had the incredible opportunity to sit in on the kick-off meeting for Men's Ministry. I was excited to walk into the Auction Barn Cafe in Lynden and see a long table full of faces! These men, most of them seasoned believers came together this morning to hear the heart and vision of the gentlman leading the Men's Ministry, as well as to give some feedback regarding the future direction of the group.

I love the heart of the leader! He shared that he felt like a good portion of where he felt he'd like to see this group go is to reach out in the community and serve. The idea is to take the gifts, talents, time and energy that we have to tangibly show the love of God to others through acts of service. This could be anything from: gardening, yard work, auto repair, moving assistance, home fixing projects etc....anything that would bless someone and show the love of Christ.

Do you or someone you know have a need? Is there any way that these wonderful men can serve you or someone that you know? How can we bless you? Please contact us! We would love to hear from you!

Do you have a heart to minister and serve? Would you or someone you know think that you might like to be a part of a group with a heart to serve others? Do you have some gifts and talents that God can use for his glory? Do you simply have some time to share with someone that needs a friend? Maybe you would be patient enough to teach someone that is not computer savvy how to become more savvy? Perhaps you might be willing to take people on errands occaisionally? If so, I would encourage you to consider getting plugged in with this wonderful group of men.

I have to say, it was my unique pleasure to experience men in their own social setting. Indeed it was almost like being in a different culture. I am a people watcher....I truly enjoy just sitting and watching people. I like to study how they interact, communicate verbally and non-verbally and even how they choose not to interact. It is fascinating to me! Is there anyone else out there that understands what I mean? Anyhow - having recently attended the Women's Ministry kick-off, I was struck and even chuckled a little at how vastly different men and women are! How incredible God is to create men and women so different, and yet in so many ways - those differences compliment eachother. It was a treat indeed to see them gathering together and sharing with eachother.

Dear reader...I enourage you - pray for the men in your life. Bless them, encourage them, build them up in the Spirit. Pray intently, with purpose and focus. Watch the Lord pour out His love in their lives. :) Amen.

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